BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: GCF tables > GCF – Last Transfer Date table

GCF – Last Transfer Date table

This table holds an entry for each combination of document ID and remote vault. It stores the last date and time each document was added to a briefcase to be sent to each remote vault. The records in this table are created and used by the Global Collaboration Framework VBScript event procedures.

The GCF – Last Transfer Date table contains the columns described in the following table.

GCF – Last Transfer Date table columns
Column Description


The share name where the document was transferred.


The name of the document that was added to the briefcase. This is set by the Meridian Enterprise export processor.


The global ID of the document added to the briefcase.


The date and time the document or its properties were last modified in the local vault.


The date and time that the document was added to the briefcase.


The ID of the briefcase that should clear the InTransit flag. This ensures that only the last sent briefcase will clear the flag even though previous briefcases were also transferred.


The ID of the work area from which the updates were read.

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GCF tables

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 GCFLastExportDate table

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This Vault Share Name table

Transfers table

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